Rhythm Revive: An Ayurveda Yoga Retreat with Jill Novak

Your TourHero

Jill Novak — TourHero

Jill Novak, founded Jill Novak Yoga in 2010, from that evolved the wellness education company Sister Science, offering Yoga & Ayurvedic lifestyle tools to live a healthy and passionate life. Jill is a true ”karma cleaner,” dedicated to teaching and inspiring others to take 'right action' that leads to positive “reactions”. Jill's unique gift lies in simplifying complex concepts and making them applicable to your everyday life. She thrives on delving deep into your personal truth, helping you clear away what no longer serves your highest purpose, and empowering you to create positive change in your life.

Since 2018 Jill has been teaching an online group coaching course called The Year of YOU. This flagship course combines the ancient wisdom of Yoga and Ayurveda with modern day habit psychology to create a sustainable pathway of growth and personal evolution for every member of the community. It is a powerful, juicy, life-changing paradigm that she is 100% invested in.

Yoga Teacher, Yoga Therapist, Ayurveda Health Coach, and still learning, on a path to become an Ayurveda Clinical Specialist.


7 days · 6 nights

Travel Date

Feb 9 – 15, 2024

Activity Level


Group Size

6 – 20



Tour Price

CAD 3,897
/ person

Your Fellow Explorers

Age range


Travel interest

Yoga & movement, meditation, Ayurveda teachings, transformation

Mexico>Rhythm Revive: An Ayurveda Yoga Retreat with Jill Novak

Embark on a transformative retreat in the serene oasis of Tulum, Mexico, a journey designed to align you with your authentic self and establish a health-infused daily rhythm. This holistic experience, nestled within the tranquil beauty of Pepem Eco Luxury Hotel, offers an exquisite blend of wellness practices, enlightening workshops, and soul-nourishing meals.

Throughout the retreat, we will weave together the wisdom of Yoga and Ayurveda to bring clarity to the aspects of life that may be keeping you stuck. By embracing sustainable practices, compassionate self-awareness, and a deeper connection to your true self, you will leave this retreat empowered to live in harmony with your big Dharma and navigate your life's journey with newfound inspiration and purpose.

Cancellation policy

TourHero, the retreat host, and the tour operator reserve the right to cancel or reschedule this trip up until December 6, 2023. If the departure is canceled out of your control, you will be alerted by this date and will receive a full refund.

In this case, TourHero is not responsible for your preparation expenses, such as airline tickets, extra accommodations, loss of work, or any other cost associated with preparing for your trip. We recommend booking travel insurance, along with refundable flights/accommodations in case of cancellation.

Refunds for deposits
We will hold your spot as soon as you put down your deposit. However, if you decide to cancel your trip, we will be unable to refund your deposit.

Refunds for fully-paid trips
You may change or cancel your trip by December 6, 2023 for a refund, excluding the deposit. After this date, no refunds will be given. To change or cancel your trip, please email travelers@tourhero.com.

Trip cancellation due to COVID-19
A full credit will be issued if the tour is canceled when there is full border closure due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. This credit can go towards booking a future TourHero tour. We suggest buying your own travel insurance for coverage of cancellations within 30 days of the tour commencing for reasons other than a full tour cancellation.

Your TourHero

Jill Novak — TourHero

Jill Novak, founded Jill Novak Yoga in 2010, from that evolved the wellness education company Sister Science, offering Yoga & Ayurvedic lifestyle tools to live a healthy and passionate life. Jill is a true ”karma cleaner,” dedicated to teaching and inspiring others to take 'right action' that leads to positive “reactions”. Jill's unique gift lies in simplifying complex concepts and making them applicable to your everyday life. She thrives on delving deep into your personal truth, helping you clear away what no longer serves your highest purpose, and empowering you to create positive change in your life.

Since 2018 Jill has been teaching an online group coaching course called The Year of YOU. This flagship course combines the ancient wisdom of Yoga and Ayurveda with modern day habit psychology to create a sustainable pathway of growth and personal evolution for every member of the community. It is a powerful, juicy, life-changing paradigm that she is 100% invested in.

Yoga Teacher, Yoga Therapist, Ayurveda Health Coach, and still learning, on a path to become an Ayurveda Clinical Specialist.


7 days · 6 nights

Travel Date

Feb 9 – 15, 2024

Activity Level


Group Size

6 – 20



Mexico>Rhythm Revive: An Ayurveda Yoga Retreat with Jill Novak

Embark on a transformative retreat in the serene oasis of Tulum, Mexico, a journey designed to align you with your authentic self and establish a health-infused daily rhythm. This holistic experience, nestled within the tranquil beauty of Pepem Eco Luxury Hotel, offers an exquisite blend of wellness practices, enlightening workshops, and soul-nourishing meals.

Throughout the retreat, we will weave together the wisdom of Yoga and Ayurveda to bring clarity to the aspects of life that may be keeping you stuck. By embracing sustainable practices, compassionate self-awareness, and a deeper connection to your true self, you will leave this retreat empowered to live in harmony with your big Dharma and navigate your life's journey with newfound inspiration and purpose.


  • Day 1 · February 9, 2024 · Tulum
  • Arrive at the airport
  • Group transfer from airport to accommodation
  • Check-in at Pepem Eco Luxury Hotel
  • Free time — get settled in, introductions, relax
  • Dinner
  • Day 2 · February 10, 2024 · Tulum
  • 7 am: Morning meditation
  • 8 am: Morning yoga
  • 9 am: Breakfast
  • 10 am – 12 pm: Morning workshop (Discover Your Dosha and Listen to Your Body's Messages)
  • Lunch
  • Free afternoon
  • Dinner
  • 9 pm: Evening nidra
  • Day 3 · February 11, 2024 · Tulum
  • 7 am: Morning meditation
  • 8 am: Morning yoga
  • 9 am: Breakfast
  • 10 am – 12 pm: Morning workshop (Unravelling Your Current Rhythm and Patterns)
  • Lunch
  • Free afternoon
  • Dinner
  • 9 pm: Evening nidra
  • Day 4 · February 12, 2024 · Tulum
  • 7 am: Morning meditation
  • 8 am: Morning yoga
  • 9 am: Breakfast
  • 10 am – 12 pm: Morning workshop (Honouring Your Unmet Needs and Cultivating New Approaches)
  • Lunch
  • Free afternoon
  • Dinner
  • 9 pm: Evening nidra
  • Day 5 · February 13, 2024 · Tulum
  • 7 am: Morning meditation
  • 8 am: Morning yoga
  • 9 am: Breakfast
  • 10 am – 12 pm: Morning workshop (Understanding the Why - Anchoring Change with Purpose)
  • Lunch
  • Free afternoon
  • Dinner
  • 9 pm: Evening nidra
  • Day 6 · February 14, 2024 · Tulum
  • 7 am: Morning meditation
  • 8 am: Morning yoga
  • 9 am: Breakfast
  • 10 am – 12 pm: Morning workshop (Creating Your Sustainable Plan of Action)
  • Lunch
  • Free afternoon
  • Dinner at Mezzanine with roundtrip transfers
  • 9 pm: Evening nidra
  • Day 7 · February 15, 2024 · Departure
  • Breakfast and check out of accommodation
  • Group transfer from accommodation to airport
  • Journey ends


Day 1 · February 9, 2024

Awakening Your Rhythm

Welcome to day 1 of your transformative journey in the unspoiled haven of Tulum, Mexico. Curated by yoga health coach Jill Novak, your expedition to rejuvenation begins as you step into the serene oasis that is the Pepem Eco Luxury Hotel, an enchanting eco-village cradled within the untouched beauty of the Riviera Maya. As you settle in, savor the opportunity to mingle with your retreat companions, each unique soul on the same journey. Enjoy a nourishing dinner with the group tonight; tomorrow begins our first step to establishing our daily rhythm.

Jill's vision for this retreat is one of simplicity and nourishment, harking back to our natural rhythms. Rise with the sun, nourish your body with whole foods, and embrace the restorative power of early sleep. Her ultimate aim is to see you return home not merely rested, but replenished, recharged, and realigned.

Day 2 · February 10, 2024

Discover Your Dosha and Listen to Your Body's Messages

Rise and shine to a beautiful morning in the Riviera Maya. We begin the day with a morning meditation session, a serene practice to awaken your senses and align your vibrations with the first light of the day. Allow the rising sun to illuminate your inner self, setting the tone for the day that lies ahead. This spiritual awakening is followed by a morning yoga session, an opportunity to cultivate inner strength, foster balance, and nourish your soul. As you transition through each pose, let your body absorb the energy of the sun's radiant dawn, allowing it to invigorate your spirit.

After this session of movement, we replenish our energy with breakfast. Then, the next 2 hours will be dedicated to our first workshop. In this workshop, we will explore the reasons that brought you here and the innate needs you are fulfilling by choosing this retreat. Through the wisdom of Ayurveda, we will discover your unique Dosha (constitution) and how it influences your mind and body. Learn to recognize the signals your body communicates to indicate balance or imbalance and how to respond with consistency and compassion to bring harmony back into your life.

The day culminates with an evening yoga nidra session, a deeply relaxing practice to encourage complete surrender, leading you to a restful sleep. Embrace the ebb and flow of your journey in Tulum, as each day brings you closer to alignment, rejuvenation, and self-discovery.

Day 3 · February 11, 2024

Unraveling Your Current Rhythm and Patterns

Welcome to day 3 of your journey into authenticity, rhythm, and transformation. As the sun peeks over the horizon, begin your day in alignment with nature, cultivating an inner stillness through morning meditation. As the sun's vibrations gently awaken the world, let them stir your consciousness, setting the rhythm for a day imbued with growth. A rejuvenating morning yoga session follows, allowing you to extend the flow of energy throughout your body, nurturing your health and fostering holistic alignment between body and mind.

After a nourishing breakfast, it's time for our workshop. Today, we delve into your current rhythm and mode of operating. We will honestly examine the patterns and beliefs that govern your life and assess if they truly serve you. Through Yoga and Ayurveda practices, we'll gain insight into what controls our actions and thoughts and explore whether these patterns are aligned with our big Dharma (life purpose). Embrace this opportunity to connect with your true self, nurturing growth and fostering the alignment of your personal vibration with the energy of the universe.

After lunch, free time in the afternoon invites reflection, relaxation, and exploration according to the unique rhythm of your journey. The day concludes with dinner and a serene yoga nidra session, guiding you towards a restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Day 4 · February 12, 2024

Honouring Your Unmet Needs and Cultivating New Approaches

Much like yesterday, today unfolds the same. As you awaken to the brilliant sunrise, steep yourself in the tranquil rhythm of nature with a morning meditation. Let the sun's gentle rays seep into your consciousness, stirring an inner awakening that sets the tone for a day of renewal and self-expansion. Extend this sense of serenity into a morning yoga session, allowing movement to deepen the connection between your body and soul.

Satiate your appetite with breakfast, then partake in yet another Ayurveda workshop. In this workshop, we will uncover the needs you know you have but are not fully respecting in your daily life. We'll discuss the importance of trusting your innate wisdom and consider new approaches to fulfil these needs. Through self-reflection and group discussions, we'll identify small steps that can be implemented to honour these needs and bring positive transformation.

After lunch, the remainder of the day is free until yoga nidra to close the evening.

Day 5 · February 13, 2024

Understanding the Why - Anchoring Change with Purpose

Engage in your morning meditation, merging your energy with the rhythmic pulse of the waking world. Let the vibration of the rising sun permeate your being, gently reminding you of the transformative journey you're on. After yoga practice and breakfast, absorb the teachings during today's Ayurveda workshop. Today's focus is on understanding the significance of the changes you desire. We'll excavate the reasons behind your desire for expansion and personal growth. By connecting with the tangible and authentic reasons driving your aspirations, you can anchor your efforts towards sustainable and meaningful change in alignment with your deepest aspirations.

Enjoy a nourishing lunch. Then, the afternoon invites you to absorb the lessons of the morning, encouraging you to use your free time for deep introspection, rest, or further exploration of your surroundings. As the day culminates, gather for a communal dinner, followed by a deeply soothing yoga nidra session, which paves the way for a rejuvenating night's sleep.

Day 6 · February 14, 2024

Creating Your Sustainable Plan of Action

Today is the final full day of this retreat. We'll begin the day with our usual routine of morning meditation and yoga. Post-yoga, nourish your body with a delicious breakfast. As the day unfolds, Jill will lead you through another enlightening workshop. Here, we put everything together to form your sustainable plan of action. Acknowledge the obstacles that may arise and explore ways to overcome them. Drawing from the innate wisdom and connection to your true self, you'll identify the practices and actions that serve you best. Embrace the small steps inspired by this newfound clarity and create a roadmap to move forward with confidence and purpose.

In the leisure of the afternoon, delight in a wholesome lunch. Then, use your free time to reflect on your journey or explore the enchanting surroundings. Each moment is an opportunity to align more closely with your true self, inviting transformation at your own pace. As dusk falls, we will celebrate our retreat by transferring to Mezzanine where we will relish a delicious, nutrient-dense Thai dinner. Afterwards, we'll return to the accommodation for an evening of yoga nidra. Surrender to the deep relaxation this practice offers, a sublime ending to a day dedicated to your spiritual and physical wellness.

Day 7 · February 15, 2024

Farewells and Moving Forward

After one last breakfast this morning, it's time to bid farewell to the Pepem Eco Luxury Hotel. As you check out, take a moment to reflect on the transformation you've experienced, the wisdom you've gained, and the energy you've cultivated. A transfer awaits to guide you to the airport and, ultimately, back to the rhythm of your daily life. But as you depart, remember that this journey doesn't end here. The teachings of Ayurveda and the journey towards your authentic self continues within you.


  • Pepem Eco Luxury Hotel

    Pepem Eco Luxury Hotel is a serene oasis hidden within the virgin jungle of the Riviera Maya. Nestled far from the clamor of city life, this self-sustaining eco-village offers the perfect sanctuary for relaxation, retreat, and adventure. Choose from their twelve eco-friendly cabins, each thoughtfully equipped with a king-size bed (or two twin beds), a full bathroom, a full kitchen, parking, internet, and safe. Experience the blissful fusion of comfort and sustainability, designed to respect and embrace the natural environment.

    Guests have access to a wealth of amenities, including a cenote water pool, sunbathing areas, and bicycles for exploring the property. Rest in the on-site hammocks, meditate, practice yoga in their Shala Yoga, and enjoy the leisure of board games. From sacred ceremonies to adventure park trips, you can do it all at Pepem. Leave the routine behind and let the peacefulness of the jungle still your mind. Disconnect from your routine, and connect with the raw, beautiful energy of the natural world. Room type: Double occupancy. Room configuration: Twin beds.


  • 6 nights at Pepem Eco Luxury Hotel (or similar)
  • Shared double occupancy in accommodation
  • All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
  • One group airport arrival transfer
  • One group airport departure transfer
  • All activities and wellness sessions as described in the itinerary

Not included

  • Flights
  • Optional add-ons
  • Travel insurance
  • Gratuities


What happens if I need to cancel my trip?

Please check the on this itinerary page for specific details.

Will TourHero or the operator take care of my visa (if applicable)?

Travelers are responsible for researching visa requirements and obtaining a visa if needed. Please check government websites to ensure you have the necessary documents, along with passport requirements, before your departure date. This includes necessary transit visas, permits, and vaccinations required prior to travel and any required reciprocity fees for the destination. TourHero will provide a booking confirmation document after purchase, which may be needed to obtain a visa.

If your visa is denied for any reason, TourHero will issue a refund based on the cancellation policy. However, we are unable to provide a refund after the cancellation due date has passed.

Do I need a passport for this trip?

A full and valid passport is required for all persons traveling to any destination outside of one’s home country. Most international tours require a passport that's valid for at least six (6) months beyond the scheduled end of your itinerary. TourHero will not issue refunds based on passport issues such as renewals or lost passports.

What's included in the price?

Please check the inclusion and exclusion sections above. You'll find information about included meals, transfers, flights, and activities. If you have any questions or need support, please contact hello@tourhero.com.

Available add-on

Single supplement room upgrade for the entire trip

Want a little more privacy during your retreat? Select this single supplement add-on and have a room all to yourself.

Price: CAD 1,330

2 spots left

Pepem Eco Luxury Hotel

Cancellation policy

TourHero, the retreat host, and the tour operator reserve the right to cancel or reschedule this trip up until December 6, 2023. If the departure is canceled out of your control, you will be alerted by this date and will receive a full refund.

In this case, TourHero is not responsible for your preparation expenses, such as airline tickets, extra accommodations, loss of work, or any other cost associated with preparing for your trip. We recommend booking travel insurance, along with refundable flights/accommodations in case of cancellation.

Refunds for deposits
We will hold your spot as soon as you put down your deposit. However, if you decide to cancel your trip, we will be unable to refund your deposit.

Refunds for fully-paid trips
You may change or cancel your trip by December 6, 2023 for a refund, excluding the deposit. After this date, no refunds will be given. To change or cancel your trip, please email travelers@tourhero.com.

Trip cancellation due to COVID-19
A full credit will be issued if the tour is canceled when there is full border closure due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. This credit can go towards booking a future TourHero tour. We suggest buying your own travel insurance for coverage of cancellations within 30 days of the tour commencing for reasons other than a full tour cancellation.

CAD 3,897
Per person